
David Mattingly's Animorphs Page
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Animorphs, Tobias, K. A. Applegate, Hawk, red tail,  morph, encounter, 3, Animorphs #3, The Encounter
Animorphs, Cassie, K. A. Applegate, dolphin, fish, ocean, water, wet suit, splash,  morph, message, 4, Animorphs #4, The Message
Animorphs, Marco, K. A. Applegate, gorilla, red,  morph, predator, 5, Animorphs #5, The Predator
Animorphs, Marco, K. A. Applegate, lobster, fish, green, morph, predator, 5, Animorphs #5, The Predator
Animorphs, Jake, K. A. Applegate, fly, yellow, morph, capture, 6, Animorphs #6, The Capture
Animorphs, Rachel, K. A. Applegate, bear, green, elevator, morph, stranger, Animorphs #7, The Stranger
Animorphs, Aximili, Esgarrouth, Isthill, Ax, K. A. Applegate, alien, orange, morph, alien, Animorphs #8, The Alien
Animorphs, K. A. Applegate, leopard, red,  morph, forgotten, Animorphs #11, The Forgotten
Animorphs, Tobias, K. A. Applegate, hawk, purple, fly,  morph, change, Animorphs #13, The Change
Animorphs, Cassie, K. A. Applegate, horse, green, pony,  morph, unknown, Animorphs #14, The Unknown
Animorphs,  Marco, K. A. Applegate, shark, hammerhead, dive, ocean, water, splash, morph, escape, Animorphs #15, The Escape
Animorphs, Jake, K. A. Applegate, rhino, rhinoceros, sky, shirt, morph, warning, Animorphs #16, The Warning
Animorphs, Rachel, K. A. Applegate, bat, fly, red, skirt, morph, underground, Animorphs #17, The Underground
Animorphs, Aximili, Esgarrouth, Isthill, Ax, K. A. Applegate, mosquito, red, morph, decision, Animorphs #18,The Decision
Animorphs, Cassie, K. A. Applegate, butterfly, fly, yellow, morph, departure, Animorphs #19, The Departure
Animorphs, Marco, K. A. Applegate, snake, cobra, venom, bite,  morph, discovery, Animorphs #20, The Discovery
Animorphs, Jake, K. A. Applegate, dog, golden retriever, morph, threat, Animorphs #21, The Threat
Animorphs, Rachel, K. A. Applegate, morph, mouse, tights, solution, Animorphs #22, The Solution
Animorphs, Tobias, K. A. Applegate, morph, bunny, rabbit, hawk, bird, flight, Animorphs #23, The Pretender
Animorphs, Cassie, K. A. Applegate, morph, anteater, snout, suspicion, Animorphs #24, The Suspicion
Animorphs, K. A. Applegate, morph, bear, polar bear, white, snow, extreme, Animorphs #25, The Extreme
Animorphs, Jake, K. A. Applegate, morph, tiger, leap, attack, Animorphs #26, The Attack
Animorphs, Rachel, K. A. Applegate,  morph, squid, octopus, water, bubbles, swim suit, swim, exposed, Animorphs #27, The Exposed
Animorphs, Aximili, Esgarrouth, Isthill, Ax, morph, cow, milk, barnyard, experiement, alien, 28, Animorphs #28, The Experiment
Animorphs, Cassie, K. A. Applegate, morph, Yeerk, Yeerks, slug, escargot, snail, sickness, 29, Animorphs #29, The Sickness
Animorphs, Marco, K. A. Applegate, morph, coockroach, insect, bug, reunion, 30, Animorphs #30, The Reunion
Animorphs, Jake, K. A. Applegate, morph, hawk, bird, red tailed, flight, fly, green, conspiracy, 31, Animorphs #31, The Conspiracy
Animorphs, Rachel, K. A. Applegate, morph, starfish, fish, swim, swimsuit, separation, 32, Animorphs #32, The Separation
Animorphs, Aximili, Esgarrouth, Isthill, Ax, Tobias, K. A. Applegate, morph, bird, hawk, flight, illusion, 33, Animorphs #33, The Illusion
Animorphs, Cassie, K. A. Applegate, morph, Hork-Bajir, monster, alien, purple, prophecy, 34, Animorphs #34, The Prophecy
 Marco, Animorphs, K. A. Applegate, morph, poodle, dog, sit up, pooch, fetch, proposal, 35, Animorphs #35, The Proposal
Animorphs, K. A. Applegate, morph,  whale, swim, ocean, water, dive, wet suit, mutation, Animorphs #36, 36, The Mutation
Animorphs, Rachel, K. A. Applegate, morph, cheetah, cat, spots, leap, run, weakness, Animorphs #37, The Weakness, 37
Animorphs, Aximili, Esgarrouth, Isthill, Ax, K. A. Applegate, morph, bird, branch, fly, flight, arrival, 38, Animorphs #38, The Arrival
Animorphs, Cassie, K. A. Applegate, morph, water buffalo, horns, hidden, 39, Animorphs #39, The Hidden
Animorphs,  Marco, K. A. Applegate, morph, bee, fly, flight, wings, 40, Animorphs #40, The Other
Animorphs, Jake, K. A. Applegate, morph, flight suit, akimbo, uniform, familiar, 41, Animorphs #41, The Familiar
Animorphs, Rachel, K. A. Applegate, morph, elephant, trunk, tusk, journey, 42, Animorphs #42, The Journey
Animorphs, Tobias, K. A. Applegate, morph, monster, alien, centipede, test, Animorphs #43, 43
Animorphs, Cassie, K. A. Applegate, morph, kangaroo, Australia, jump, pouch, unexpected , Animorphs #44, 44, The Unexpected
Animorphs, Marco,  K. A. Applegate, morph, ant, insect, crawl, feelers, revelation, Animorphs #45, 45, The Revelation
Animorphs, Aximili, Esgarrouth, Isthill, Ax, K. A. Applegate, morph, flight suit, aircraft, run, helmet, Animorphs #46, 46, The Deception
Animorphs, K. A. Applegate, morph, beaver, rodent, resistance, Animorphs #47, 47, The Resistance
Animorphs, Rachel,  K. A. Applegate, morph, bodybuilder, muscles, flex, wolverine, claws, return, Animorphs #48, 48, The Return
Animorphs, Tobias, K. A. Applegate, morph, dog, german shepard, Animorphs #49, 49, The Diversion
Animorphs, Cassie, K. A. Applegate, morph, owl, flight, hospital, bird, flight, ultimate,
Animorphs, Marco, K. A. Applegate, morph, duck, bird, flight, absolute, Animorphs #51, 51, The Absolute
Animorphs, Aximili, Esgarrouth, Isthill, Ax, K. A. Applegate, morph, raccoon, sacrifice, Animorphs #52, 52, The Sacrifice
Animorphs, Jake, K. A. Applegate, morph, snake, python, crawl, diversion, Animorphs #53, 53, The Diversion
Animorphs, Rachel, Cassie, Marco, Jake, Animorphs, Aximili, Esgarrouth, Isthill, Ax, K. A. Applegate, morph, Rolling Stones, backlight, ultimate, Animorphs #54, 54, The Ultimate
Animorphs, dinosaurs, Rachel, Cassie, Marco, Jake, K. A. Applegate, morph, volcano, bird, triceratops, palm, Megamorphs, Megamorphs 2, In the Time of Dinosaurs
Animorphs, Rachel, Cassie, Marco, Jake, Tobias, K. A. Applegate, morph, bear, tiger, fly, wolf, gift,  Andalite, Megamorphs, Megamorphs 1: The Andalite's Gift, Megamorphs 1, Andalite's Gift
Animorphs Scope cover, mother, lobster, tank, tile, jeans, scale,  K. A. Applegate, morph, Applegate

All artwork copyright © David B. Mattingly All rights reserved